Fortune telling is his hobby, but what he says is never reliable. In the sky or on the water, no one steers better than him. He is dreaming of traveling the endless starry sky.
A man always willing to face danger with a lance in his hand. He also has an amazing knowledge of mechanics. He is now a member of the rebel force "Avalanche", and is getting involved with battles that would decide the fate of the planet.
There is nothing that his sword would not destroy. Red XIII has decidedly red fur and looks threatening, but has an intelligence level that is well beyond that of humans. A very mysterious beast. Only Shin-Ra's confidential files know his past. He was one of the best soldiers there.
His long sword has an incredible power, and he is the only one who can use it. No one knows where he is now. Despite her cute appearance, she is a real martial arts fighter who only uses her fists.
She is also an important member of "Avalanche". She has known Cloud since they were small and has feelings for him but still cannot tell him so. It seems that the past relation with Shin-Ra is making him travel with Cloud and others. It is known that his slim body possesses some kind of amazing power and abilities.
She decided to join Cloud's party only because she wanted to get "something". She is a clever, selfish girl, but plays an important role in battles by using her Ninja tricks and skills. When equipped, these orbs have various functions like Relics from FF3 , and become stronger as you use them like the Classes from FF5j. There are five types of Materia: Green. Spell Materia.
When equipped, you can cast spells like Thunder, Fire, Cure, Barrier, etc. Command Materia. These give you the ability to Steal, Throw, Mimic, etc. Independent Materia. These will increase your scores, like Max HP or Speed. Support Materia. These augment the power of certain other Materia. For instance, the 'Select All' Materia, when combined with a Flame materia, lets you cast a fire spell on all foes.
Summon Materia. These let you summon monsters, like Chocobo, Shiva, Bahamut, or even Chupon! I didn't even realize this until after first releasing this FAQ, so try and bear with me, okay?
I'll avoid incorrect naming in the future, but I may still get it wrong sometimes. You can equip Materia from the Main Menu, and mix and match them in any way you want. This is how they work: Weapons and bracelets have a certain number of 'holders' on them. You can equip one Materia per holder. So, if a sword has one holder and a bracelet has five holders, you can equip six Materia in all.
The bad part is that equipping Materia tends to lower your statistics. While this is only temporary, you'll have to decide if you value skills or scores more when equipping certain Materia. To restore your stats. Connected holders are used to couple an Independent Materia with another Materia, since Independent Materia have no effect on their own.
When you win a battle, you gain AP Ability Points. Each Materia has a number of stars, representing its' 'levels'. All Materia start off at level 1, but can be increased to their max. The more level stars a Materia has, the stronger and more useful it becomes. To gain a star level, you have to gain a certain number of Ability Points, just like raising levels or learning Esper magic in FF3.
However, only Materia that you have equipped earn AP. Luckily, that Materia has the same number of points no matter who uses it. For example, let's say Cloud keeps the Summon Chocobo materia equipped for a long time, and manages to raise it to level 2.
If Barett, who's never worn that Materia before, equips it, he can also use it at level 2 strength. When you do 'master' a Materia by gaining all its' levels , you will instantly get another Materia of the same type! Even though it will begin at level 1 i. Be sure to sell off Materia that you don't need; if you have a full Materia list with no empty places and you master a materia that you have equipped, it will appear in a random location on the list, permanently erasing the Materia that was in it's place guess the programmers at Square never bothered to check that out, did they?
You'll want to be careful if you have more than one of the same Materia, because you have to raise them seperately. And there's no point in giving two of the same Materia to the same person! Try to figure out what Materia works best with which person i. The tradeoff is that such equipment is usually very strong.
They can be gotten from these locations: Blue Materia. What you have to do is win the 'mini-battle' sequence atop the tower or you won't receive the Huge Materia. After you and Cid blast off in his ship, you'll have to enter the code command to free the huge Green Materia. If you can't save the Materia, it's lost for good. This quest can only be done during Disc 2. Red Materia. If you were able to sink the red sub during the return trip to Junon Town in Disc 2, you can capture the huge Red Materia from the sunken submarine at any time during Discs 2 or 3.
If you weren't able to stop the sub, then this Materia is permanently lost. I had three of the materia, Yellow, Green, and Red. While you have to get two of the Huge Materia in order to make the game progress during Disc 2, you don't need to collect all four of them.
However, you can get the powerful 'Master Materia' from the Huge Materia, as well as the strongest Bahamut summon materia, 'Bahamut Form Zero', so it's advisable that you try to find them all. Huge Yellow materia and a 'master' level for seven command materia see below. Pick the first option and the screen will glow; pick the top option to get your master materia or the bottom option if you want to get that particular master materia later. You do have to have all the mastered materia on hand, but it doesn't matter whether they're equipped or not.
If you're trying to get Bahamut Form Zero, then all you have to do is touch the huge blue materia and you'll automatically receive it after choosing the first option; you have to get this summon spell before you can receive the Master Summon materia.
There's good news and bad news, though:. This means that not only will you be left with a bunch of low-level materia since you get another materia of the same type when you master it, remember? The good news is that if you have two mastered orbs of the same type say, two Flames and you're trying to get the Master Magic materia , you'll only lose one and keep the other.
So, if you have two mastered Kujata materia and you get a Master Summon materia and want another one, you'll only have to level-up 15 orbs instead of 16 since one is already mastered.
Individual notes on the Master materia: - If you affix a combination materia like Affect All or Random Magic Strike to the Master Magic orb, it will affect all the spells! However, not all combination materia work with each spell.
With the Master Summon materia equipped, you can summon any beast an infinite number of times providing you have the MP for it!
Like the Master Magic materia, Combination materia attached to this orb will affect all summon spells. This may sound good, but then again, all you get are the above abilities of those materia: this orb won't let you use other commands like Swordplay, Double Item, Techniques of the Enemy, or Continuous Slice, for example but you can equip these seperately, if you like.
A new addition to this section is 'AP to Master': this tells you how many AP you will need to master that materia. It's easy enough to check your current AP level in the Main Menu, but you can't figure out what the master amount of AP is until you're at the next to the last level--the reason for this addition.
For example, the -ra and -ga endings to some of the spells don't actually mean anything aside from denoting the strength of the spell. Because numbers were used in previous American FF games, I use '2' or '3' in the FAQ, although that isn't exactly a 'by the book' translation.
For more details, please refer to the 'Translations' section. Poison dmg. Make sense now? You'll have to make sure that you have the proper seasoning on you buy it for gil from the Chocobo Farm; it's the same one you use to learn Chocobockle; the 5th item from the top.
Choose the top option when you examine the chocobo, then choose the 5th option the next to last one , and you'll get this materia. You can still do it even after the town is partially destroyed.
If you fail, you can still buy it from a kid in one of the train cars for 50, gil. You can also use this spell on yourself; while the ally can do nothing but attack, his attack power is greatly increased but this is true for enemies hit with this spell, too.
Body shrinks; stats. Time bar fills faster Time bar fills slower Time bar can't fill for a short while. Lessens physical damage Lessens magical damage Reflects most magic Barrier and Mabarrier cast at once. If a spell affects more than one person, only the people with Reflect will have the spell reflected. Unlike previous Final Fantasy games, a reflected spell at least, if the reflective power is automatic or due to an accessory like the Reflect Ring will bounce back and forth until it 'breaks through' a target's reflectiveness which will still be there--it's not permanently removed or misses.
This is quite a change from the normal 'reflect one time' rule of other FF incarnations, and whether it was programmed in purposely or is a glitch remains to be seen. It only affects the spells in use, but can remove more than one magical status at once. The spells are listed in this order:. Remember, using a combination materia together with the Master Magic materia will affect all your spells, but not all of them will be compatible with certain types of combination materia.
It doesn't always work, and you can't steal if an enemy has no items. Once you learn this, you can't use Nusumu. You'll lose the weapon you throw, however. The only items you're allowed to throw are: swords Cloud , rods Aerith , cannons Barett , shuriken Yuffie , megaphones Cait Sith , handguns Vincent , and spears Cid.
You cannot throw a weapon an ally is equipped with. No matter how much gil you toss, the maximum damage is always The ratio of gil to damage points is , so you'd better have a lot of money. Each enemy that you attack is picked at random. It's possible to hit and miss at the same time with this command. This command doesn't always work. Not all enemies can be scanned with this command. If your foe is killed with this hit, he will transform into an item for you to take. Not all enemies can be morphed.
This attack misses often, but still hits more frequently than a regular critical attack does. If it works, your character can't do anything aside from controlling the enemy.
Not all enemies can be controlled, and on top of that, this command doesn't always work. While an enemy is under your command, you can do nothing aside from direct it you can't perform normal commands, only pick commands for the monster under your control.
To learn a skill, the enemy must use it on you even if you dodge it or are killed by it , and you must then proceed to win the battle. Each time you gain a new skill, one of the 24 stars in the Materia Menu lights up and the skill's name is added to the gray box beneath it. Using enemy skills costs MP, in most cases. You can also check out Enemy Skills in the Magic Menu. Shinra HQ -- 68th floor, after killing the boss.
You won't lose any HP, MP, items, or anything else that would be used up or depleted normally. Since Monomane mimics the last action made, you can skip through the other allies until it is your turn again to repeatedly imitate yourself.
And while you can't mimic Limit Breaks, you can imitate your own Breaks. What's really cool about this materia is that you will imitate the person's combination materia, too. So if someone casts Faira, and it's combined with Mahou Midareuchi, then you will use Mahou Midareuchi as well when you mimic them without having to have it equipped!
MP consumption remains normal and you have to have enough for both spells. The great thing about this materia is that you can still use Mahou Midareuchi, Zentaika, Subete Zentaika, MP Turbo, or any other materia that affects magic along with this to affect both spells that you're casting.
You have to have enough MP to perform the summons, and if you've already called a monster the maximum number of times, you can't call it again using this command.
You must have enough items to use, though. At the end of the passageway leading south when you raid Midgar City at the end of Disc 2.
This means that you can wear more than one for an even higher increase in your scores but you can only wear so many--try to equip lots of the same type of Materia and you'll see that your stats. The only exception is when you wear the Counter Materia; see below for details. Your HP cannot be raised above , though, and you lose your HP bonus when this materia is de-equipped.
Your MP cannot be raised above , though, and you lose the MP bonus when this materia is taken off. While this allows you to have up to MP, your HPs can never go beyond while wearing this materia. This materia raises your luck score which helps determine your critical hit Hissatsu rate.
If it is removed, your luck drops back to normal. This materia raises your magic score which helps rate the effectiveness of Mahou materia. When de-equipped, your magic score returns to normal. This materia increases your speed rating which determines, in part, battle initiative and your ability to dodge attacks. Should this materia be taken off, your speed will go back to it's former level. A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle Square.
LV2: Receive twice as more gil than usual when you win a battle. Status Chagnes:. LV1: Enemy encounter rate drops to one-half. LV2: Enemy encounter rate drops to one-fourth. LV2: Encounter enemies twice as often. LV1: Chocobo encounter rate is 2 times higher. LV2: Chocobo encounter rate is 4 times higher. LV3: Chocobo encounter rate is 8 times higher. The man in the chocobo stables at the Chocobo Farm. When worn, this materia gives your party an increased chance of getting a free round of fighting, just as if you had made an initial attack.
This materia has no effect if you are in the front row. The character wearing this Materia will block an enemy's attack by standing in front of one of his allies when they are attacked. This only works when another ally is hit by a physical attack, not by magic or certain enemy abilties. In fact, it doesn't even have to hit or do damage in order to trigger a counterattack. Damage is the same, just as if you had attacked normally it's even possible to miss. A counterattack is made only against the enemy you hit; combining this materia with Subete Zentaika, Renzokugiri, or any other materia that affects your ability to attack will have no effect.
However, I'm not sure how Enkyori Kougeki would affect this materia. You won't counterattack your friends if they attack you, BTW. Note that the more of these that you wear, the more times you make a counterattack. So if you have 4 Counter materia equipped and an enemy hits you with a physical attack, you will strike that foe 4 times. Caves behind Nivelheim, or you can receive it as a prize for winning the chocobo races held at the Gold Saucer.
The ability must be a selectable one in the Battle Window , and not an ability such as Counter or Cover. However, the effectiveness of the spell cast is increased by a third as well, whether it is damaged inflicted or HP restored.
The only exception to this that I've found so far is the Knights of the Round materia--pair it to MP Turbo and the cost raises only 5 points, yet the amount of damage is still raised by a third. This allows you to hit them all with that spell. The more levels you raise this materia, the more times you can do this; after enough uses of that spell, you'll have to target one enemy again until the next battle.
When used, the spell strikes 4 times, with the target randomly chosen each time. The damage that spell would inflict is reduced, but the you only lose MP as if you had casted the spell once. The same applies if it is combined with a Summon Materia. This Materia works with every magic spell and summon skill except for Escape and Knights of the Round. However, there is only a small chance of this working, but you can increase it by raising this materia's levels. This materia doesn't work against enemies that are supposed to attack first such as the armored tank that you fight after escaping from Shinra HQ in Disc One.
If you are attacked, there is a chance that you will counterattack with whatever spell or Shoukan you have equipped, providing you have the MP for it. If you have either the Master Magic or Master Summon materia equipped, the Shoukanjuu or magic spell used is determined randomly. If you have the Master Command materia linked to this one, then one of the eight commands will be picked at random.
When you are attacked by an enemy, you will counterattack with the command materia you have equipped. It's probably the best Materia to have when using the Command Counter because you can strike back with just about any ability you can think of.
Be careful, though, since if one of your allies kills you, you'll attack them with the Materia you have equipped! You can equip a Materia like Sosei or Barrier to revive yourself or protect your party once you pass away, though, making this useful as both an offensive and defensive tactic. The more stars you've earned, the more times you can use this Materia when you are killed. This means that if you use a materia on yourself like Barrier , you'll attack yourself or your allies!
Look on the 'switching path' in the Mountain Crossroads area it's where you can use your map in the 2nd disk, just before the snowfield. Combining this with the Nusumu materia is obviously pointless unless you're having a hard time stealing from a particular foe.
In a cavern above Uutai you need to be able to cross the fire-pits before you can reach it. It takes the properties of the linked materia and gives your weapon or bracelet those properties. For example, equip Shiva on your paired bracelet holders and you are protected from Ice damage. Equip it and the Ikazuchi materia on your weapon's holders and your normal attacks will hit for lightning damage. Like Zokusei below , not all materia will work with this combination materia.
Zokusei only works when paired with certain Mahou or Shoukan materia. If it is attached to a weapon, the type of damage you inflict is the same as the Materia combined with Zokusei so if you have Phoenix attached to your weapon and it is combined with this materia, you'll hit for fire damage.
And if you have Doku attached to you armor along with this materia, you will be protected from Poison attacks. LV2: No damage is received if it is the corresponding type.
LV3: Gain HP if you are struck with the corresponding type of attack. From Domino on the 62nd floor of the Shinra HQ. The more levels you raise, the more times you can summon that particular Shoukanjuu Summoned Beast during a battle. Unless mentioned, all summon attacks strike all enemies at once. Ultimate Special Technique!! Dash attack hitting for physical damage. Has a small chance of stunning your foes for several rounds.
Check the ruined machinery after the Shin-Ra minions leave in the village located before Cosmo Canyon. After opening the safe and defeating the boss in the mansion in Nivelheim where Vincent is found.
Given to you after beating the Ashura-like monster at the top of the pagoda in Utai on the Westmost Continent. After beating the dragon in the Temple once you've met Sephiroth and the Temple starts to shake. In a cave on the east edge of the icy wasteland below the old man's shack on the Northern Continent. Lying on path leading to first barrier at top of the crater in the Frozen Mountain. Near the ruined helicopter in the sunken Shinra plane next to the Gold Saucer. This attack hits for around damage.
Touch the floating blue stone in Cosmo Canyon after revisiting the Ancient City with the old man. You must have Bahamut and Bahamut Kai or you won't receive this materia. In a bag on a branch across from three pink vines, in the third area of the Old Forest.
In a cave on the uncharted island in the northeast corner of the map. You'll need the Gold Chocobo to reach it. They are listed in this order:. Chupon Bahamut Form Zero Knights It also lists the amount of MP needed to use an enemy skill, the effect of that skill, and the locations of monsters you can learn them from.
Learn: From the green frogs Tatchimi in the circular forest near Gongaga Town also from the other forests nearby. In addition, they may be afflicted with the 'Minimum' status. Learn: Burrowing squirrel-like foes Muu found near the Chocobo Farm. Learn: Plant-like monsters Ashigirisou found on the tip of the Westernmost Continent in the dark grass.
The amount of HP recovered depends on the. Learn: The spiky, shelled creatures with green tentacles Beach Plug that live on the shore near the Gongaga Town. They also relieve any status ailments and dispel any bad effects. In addition HP is restored to the amount shown during the skill's use; however, this can be a bane to characters with high HP because if your life is higher than the amount shown, it is reduced to that amount.
You'd think that this would be a great way to weaken enemies with more than HP, but it won't work on your opponents in this manner--it will only heal them, remove status ailments, etc. Learn: The huge tusked turtles Adamantaimai by the shoreline of the Westmost Continent. To do this, choose the bottom option once it's under your control. Learn: From any enemy that utilizes a fire breath attack.
One of the earliest locations would be the room with the ladders and pipes where you fight the boss of the mountains behind Nivelheim; you can fight Dragons in that area that use Kaen Housha often. Tip: While you could learn this skill by controlling a Dragon and picking the bottom choice to make it use this skill on you, chances are it will hit you with Kaen Housha as it's initial attack in the first place. The same goes for the flying Aakudoragons. Learn: From the Mobol creatures green guys with tentacles and really big mouths living on the outside ledges in the Frozen Mountain.
All targets are hit for magic damage. To make him do that, inflict heavy damage on him. Then just wait until he uses Beta. If he still doesn't use it, take off a little bit of his life since he tends to use Beta more when he's near death. Learn: The Ashura-like boss Godo of the pagoda's top floor in Utai. Tip: Actually, the Materia Keeper is more likely to use this against.
It's a good thing, too, since you can't control it. COST - 3 MP Effect: A weight drops and hits for special damage. The amount is equal to the amount of damage the caster has received in battle.
Learn: From the balance-like creatures Judge in Nivelheim. Tip: The Judges will use this skill eventually. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.
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Duel Colosseum Icon from Main Menu. Trade Accessory. There is an Enemy Card for each selectable character in the game. When you select a Enemy Card, you will be given their full stats the same as if you were fighting them in the Arcade Mode. When you see a gold colored card, this is a boss card. Boss Cards are different than enemy cards, as they are not discarded from the selection area after the player chooses a card.
If you lose though, the amount of medals removed is higher. Job Cards grant you special abilities, increase your selection spaces, etc. Status Cards add negativve effects that can only be removed with a Chemist Card. Below is a complete list of the cards, and what they can do. Name Effect Knight Increases card selection area by one. Loses effect after losing a battle. Can be stacked. Thief Increases the chance of Treasure Cards appearing. Monk Causes the next Enemy Cards that arrive in the selection area to become weaker.
One Use. White Mage Fully heals a character's HP after a battle. Black Mage Increases the rate at which Secret Cards appear. Red Mage Causes the cards in the selection area to not be discarded after already choosing a card. Also causes all Treasure Cards to be able to be purchased without the loss of medals. Blue Mage Increases the rate at which Job Cards appear.
Mystic Knight Card Luck rises faster. Ninja Prevents the loss of medals and Card Luck upon losing a battle. Ranger Causes Enemy Cards to hold five more medals as a reward for defeating them.
Dragoon Discards all cards from the selection area and replaces the first card in the next hand with a Dragoon Card. Time Mage Increases Card Luck by 5. Chemist Protects and nullifies Status Card effects. It also prevents Status Cards from appearing in the selection area.