On Dec. President Donald Trump signed a decree that recognized Jerusalem as the "capital" of Israel. Then, on May 14, , the U. Israel has been pushing other countries to follow in the footsteps of the U. The West Bank remains under Israeli occupation following the War, where Israel began to administrate it and build illegal Jewish settlements.
Palestinian institutions are located in Ramallah city, and due to the barrier wall, Palestinians in the West Bank cannot enter Jerusalem unless Israel allows them, mostly during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan when individuals below 12 or above 40 years old can access the city.
The Gaza Strip was occupied as well one year after where Israel also started building settlements on 23, square kilometers of land and annexed another 23, square kilometers on the pretext of setting up "safe areas" near the new settlements. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in response to the armed resistance in Gaza, put a "disengagement plan" on the agenda which called for the evacuation of Jewish settlements from the region for the first time. On June 15, , Israel evacuated the settlers and withdrew from Gaza after demolishing the settlement buildings.
After the Hamas organization won Palestinian legislative elections and became the governing force in Gaza, Israel imposed a blockade on the enclave, where some two million Palestinians live.
The Palestinian state was first recognized by 90 countries, including Turkey, in and it now enjoys the recognition of countries. However, major countries including the U.
At its 67th meeting on Nov. In late , the European parliaments held symbolic votes in favor of recognizing Palestine, calling on their governments to officially recognize the Palestinian state, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa. After winning the war, Israel invaded and occupied Western Jerusalem.
Some , Jewish settlers currently live in some illegal settlements in the West Bank. Blockade The Gaza Strip was occupied as well one year after where Israel also started building settlements on 23, square kilometers of land and annexed another 23, square kilometers on the pretext of setting up "safe areas" near the new settlements. Recognition timeline The Palestinian state was first recognized by 90 countries, including Turkey, in and it now enjoys the recognition of countries.
Given that its land was still under Israeli occupation, however, it was apparent that the struggle for freedom would face numerous challenges. Thousands of Palestinians, who only wanted to live freely, were killed, while hundreds of thousands of others were driven from their land.
Despite this, countries now recognize the Palestinian state, with the notable exception of several western countries.
The U. Despite all these hypocritical policies, and the ongoing Israeli occupation, the Palestinians continue their fight to have an independent state, whose capital is East Jerusalem and which includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In addition, Jerusalem also contains sacred places for Judaism and Christians.
The painful situation of Palestine started when the British occupied the region that was under Ottoman rule. Following the occupation, the British entered the holy city on Dec. Shortly before the occupation of Jerusalem, the Balfour Declaration of Nov.
The British Empire shut its eyes to the Jewish settlers coming from all corners of the world and let them settle on Palestinian soil. The influx of Jews into the Palestinian territories later triggered conflicts between Arab and Jewish people; the British later took the issue to the UN.
The partition plan adopted by the UN in granted 55 percent of the land to Israel whereas only 45 percent was given to the Arabs, who were living in their own country. Moreover, Jerusalem was given a special status and was to be controlled by the international community.
After the British Mandate came to an end in the region, the new state of Israel declared independence on May 14, The Arab countries, including Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, waged war against Israel only a day after Israel declared independence.
After winning the war, Israel invaded and occupied Western Jerusalem. East Jerusalem, regarded as the greatest obstacle to resolving the Palestine-Israel conflict, is currently under total occupation of Israel.
Its connection to other parts of Palestine was broken after a barrier was built between it and the West Bank in The state of Israel has carried out a policy of Judaization in East Jerusalem, where there are 18 illegal Jewish settlements. Some , Jewish people live there. On the other hand, despite the pressures of the occupation, some , Palestinians live in East Jerusalem. Palestinians who refuse Israeli citizenship use "Jerusalem Identity Cards" for residence permits.
According to a resolution adopted by the Israeli parliament in , Jerusalem, including the eastern and western parts, was declared the "eternal and united" capital of Israel, consecrating the annexation of East Jerusalem.
The international community, including the U. However, things changed when U. President Donald Trump took a decision that changed the fate of the city. On Dec. Then, on May 14, , the U.
The West Bank, which remained under the British Mandate from to , then became part of Jordan and this continued until when the Six-Day War broke out between Arab states and Israel. Israel began to administer the West Bank through military laws and build illegal Jewish settlements in the region so it could Judaize the area.