Independent film productions raise money from a variety of sources. Some small production companies may collaborate on the production by sharing industry skills and financial resources. Independent production companies can secure funding from private investors but usually they are funded by arts agencies, such as the British Film Council or the British Film Institute.
The ability to tell your own story without studio input is a huge draw for independent filmmakers, who consider filmmaking to be an unparalleled creative outlet. Festivals work as a liaison between independent filmmakers and the major film industry.
Indie storytellers get publicity, and studios get original movies. Independent films are not guaranteed to be any better than corporate-produced films, but they do have the advantage of a new perspective, Andrus said. As easy as it is to stream a movie at home, some viewers still want a traditional movie theater experience. And some independent filmmakers are hesitant to put their movies online. The problem is that Netflix and similar services are some of the best ways to get publicity.
Filmmakers must find the line between getting people to watch their movie and actually making enough money to cover the production costs, which are usually funded by friends and family. Avery readily admits that his goal is not to get rich off of filmmaking. Major studios, online distributors, and independent filmmakers are all competing for the same audience. Hollywood also needs to take advantage of the at-home market, by continuing to create more nuanced programs.
In fact, with shows like Supernatural, The Walking Dead, and Breaking Bad you have to be more active in understanding the meaning. Expand the sub menu Theater. Expand the sub menu VIP. Expand the sub menu More Coverage. Expand the sub menu More Variety. Switch edition between U. Asia Global. To help keep your account secure, please log-in again. You are no longer onsite at your organization.
My son is taking a film class in college and he wants to make his own independent film! How many people are actually able to live off of production? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You'll only get film data updates from me and you can unsubscribe anytime. Skip to content. All articles.
UK Film Industry. Working In Film. The Horror Report. Research Reports. Education overview. Resources from past courses. Student Feedback. School Feedback. Central Film School. Catsnake: The Story Agency. VOD Clickstream. Press Coverage. Industry Feedback. About Stephen. Home Articles What percentage of independent films are profitable?
What percentage of independent films are profitable? The indie film sector is: Decentralised. It relies on a constantly shifting chain of third parties across the world, with no requirement to report to a centralised body, no third party verification and lacks even agreed reporting standards. Some revenue streams withhold all data such as VOD subscription platforms like Netflix and Amazon while even the most transparent streams come with levels of uncertainty i.
Sometimes shady. A minority of parties are dishonest, or at very least, deliberately misleading. Over-representing revenues can make you look more successful, under-representing may reduce the need to payout profit shares and few choose to be frank about the money they have spent to make or distribute a movie.
There are two ways to tackle this information drought: Find a few comparisons. Understand the market. Look at how the whole market works and the kinds of films which make money. Use this data to improve your film and prove that it has a much better than average chance of succeeding. How do independent films compare to films from Hollywood Studios?
What types of independent films make money? Learn more These are just the headlines of a huge research project I have been conducting. These could include: Crowdfunding the initial budget, meaning there is far less or maybe nothing to repay. Private communities , such as religious organisations, online groups or hobbyists.
Films which earn large amounts from VOD platforms despite not getting a theatrical release i. Income from merchandising, music sales and spin-offs. These are extremely rare among independent films. An example would be the micro-budget film Once , which spawned successful albums and even a Broadway show.
Epilogue My research into the film industry has never really been guided.