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References Buckley SJ. Schaffir J. Birth — Herbal therapies in pregnancy: what works? Unexpected consequences: women's experiences of a self-hypnosis intervention to help with pain relief during labour. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 15, Complementary and alternative medicine for induction of labour. Women Birth 25 3 : Use of herbal medicines by pregnant women: What physicians need to know. Front Pharmacol. The association of sexual intercourse during pregnancy with labor onset.
Iranian Red Crescent medical journal, 17 1 , e Complementary therapies for labour and birth study: a randomised controlled trial of antenatal integrative medicine for pain management in labour. BMJ Open 6:e The orgasmic history of oxytocin: love, lust, and labor. Pet Hair Roller Buy now. Good luck I'm doing a Thai curry with lots of chilli as I don't normally do hot curry this way it's still the creamy flavour I like just with added kick.
I'm not due for a week and a bit but am measuring big and DD was big so am scared! Kate x. Well, just had my curry - completely stuffed, but really enjoyed it.
And you won't believe this, but I went to the loo immediately afterwards and I have started to lose my mucus plug!!! Probably a coincidence, but progress nonetheless! Thanks for the replies Here's hoping. Labour and birth Anyone successfully used curry for induction? Labour and birth Walking help bring on labour?
I am so jealous I had a wicked spicey one on Saturday and nothing What curry did you have?? Can't find your answer? When i was 41 weeks pregnant with my son i called up my favourite curry house and asked the man what curry he would make his wife to help her go into labour I don't think any curry helps being on labour.
The scientific evidence on the theory that curry induces labour is sparse to say the least. Numerous methods of inducing labour have been suggested over the years but do they have any basis in fact or are they all a coincidence? The lack of proper studies carried out hospitals will never serve anything as tasty as curry means that both proof for and proof against the theory is sadly lacking.
Similarly, drinking castor oil or eating pineapple is suggested to have a similar effect. The side effect of eating a spicy curry when you are sensitive to spices is that it will stimulate the bowels; this will not work if you eat spicy food regularly.
Be warned though, if you are sensitive to foods such as curry or pineapple it is unwise to eat a lot of these late on in pregnancy as it can result in heartburn and sickness which, along with everything else you are faced with during labour, you could probably do without. A popular natural remedy is raspberry leaf tea although, to date, there is no evidence to support this. A variety of herbal remedies are often recommended to mums-to-be including Clary Sage; this has a narcotic effect and can strengthen the uterus but is not suitable for use during pregnancy.